Tired, Black Eyes and Hand Paralysis

Before I start drinking e-ions, I always feel tired, especially in the morning. My black eye is due to lack of sleep. Every morning when I wake up my right hand index finger and my left hand middle finger feel numb. In July, I went to Mei Ling’s house and she show me the DVD regarding Ionize alkaline water.


When I finish watching the video, Ronnie from e-ions ask me to drink a glass of Ionize alkaline water every hour. To my surprise I did sleep well that night. The next day, I took more Ionize alkaline water from Ronnie and all my problem subside.


In august, I met a long last friend which I have not met for 3 years and she said I look younger for my age. I am very grateful to Mei Ling and Ronnie for introduce me to e-ions Ionized alkaline water.
